Mikayla wanted warmer weather and we headed down to the valley. We got to see family and the Harmon's - wonderful friends that we met at Duke!
Merrill was next with his german chocolate cake, of course!
Nano wanted to go to the valley and enjoy Amie and Jeremy's "water park"! He shares his b-day with Uncle Jeremy and we all had fun celebrating together!
No picks of Cami's....just getting older! :)
Neah's pics are on mine or Merrill's phone, something was up with the camera but we got some cute pics of her just being her cute, fun self!
The babies one year party is on the next post! Can't believe we've made it a year with them already...sad to say most of that year is a blurr...I do hope I enjoyed the moments while in them since I can't remember them now!
Josh turned 8 and had a wonderful baptism. We had lots of family come and he was so excited to make this important step in his life and path back to our Heavenly Father. WE are so proud of you son!
Love you all!! Can't believe you kids are all growing up so quick...just a reminder for me to enjoy it more and lighten up a little bit! ;)
We have been able to enjoy one another and even make a few crazy trips! We went to CA and saw the Beck's (sadly, no pics with them!), we went to Sea World and spent lots of time on the beach! We went to Lake Powell with Christie, her kids and also met up with Lindsay and Brooke and their kiddos. Sadly their husbands weren't able to come and Merrill only came for a little while, but us ladies and kids had one adventure after another! :) The Aldriche's also stopped by on their trek west and the kids and I enjoyed a day at the Grand Canyon with them! (Never fear, Merrill & Eric got a bike ride in before they left!)
The kids enjoyed school. Merrill went with Mikayla on a field trip to the Grand Canyon, Mikayla took 1st place in her first science project for their science fair, Nano had an awesome Kindergarten graduation, Josh & Nano played football & soccer endlessly with neighbor friends - sadly no pics -, Neah helped me with the babies, and Merrill & I got to go to CO on a work trip with only the babies! Oh yes and we can't forget....we bought our house that we hope to stay in for a very long time!! (we've been in 5 houses in the last 3.5 yrs) - no pics of that either...I'll work on that!
We are loving being closer to family! We made a trip to UT and a great time there and then multiple trips to the valley to spend time with family there! We love you all and love all the fun we have!
Yip it's true! We let our kids get sugar overloads twice! We had Merrill's family reunion over Halloween and so we did some trunk or treating there and then Halloween night at our place! All with family! It was great!
They are getting into all sorts of trouble...now watch out when David gets his brace off this week! I'm really in for it then!