Sunday, July 31, 2011

The 911 Call

Sorry, not pics for this one just a great story!

So lately Mikayla has been threatening Nano that she would call the police if he doesn't leave her alone....and then she proceeds to pretend to call them and tell them her brother has robbed a bank or something like that! Which Nano unfortunately believes and gets very upset about....well this time he decided to do something about it.

So Monday night, Nano was harrassing Mikayla again and this is how it played out:

Mikayla pretended to call 911 and tell them that Nano robbed a bank. Nano was upset and instead of telling us this time, he convinced Josh to call them back and tell them that he didn't really rob a bank. Josh dialed 911 and hung up because he was too scared, but since he actually dialed the number, it went through and they called us right back. Merrill was upstairs and answered the phone call of "this is 911, what is your emergency?"

So after a long lecture from us and losing all privileges for the next day, we decided to have them go apologize at the police station the next day. The kids all decided what they were going to say to apologize and this is how that went:

Mikayla went first and said, "Sorry, I fake called 911" - after which she got a lecture and the policeman thought he was done. Then Nano pipes up, "Sorry, I told Josh to call 911" and Josh said, "Sorry, I called 911". Then Neah said, "I didn't do it, it was hair "her"". At this point the policeman was trying not to laugh and still look stern and after replying, "this sounds like it was a joint effort" gave them all another lecture about when they should actually call 911. After which, he gave them all free slurpee coupons and stickers for being so brave - I wasn't so happy about that and wonder if they learned their lesson.....I guess time will tell!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Family Photos July 2011

While my sister Amy was here for a Ragnar Relay, we had her take some family photos. She did a great job. Thanks Amy!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Surprise Ultrasound

I've been a real slacker in going to the doctor this pregnancy. I've felt great and so felt no real need to go soon. It took a while to find a doctor, I wanted one that would let me run during most of my pregnancy and would let me do my thing. So I asked around and got feed back and then it still took me a long time to call one. Finally when I did, they couldn't get me in for three weeks.

We had a trip planned to UT and we had wanted to find out the sex of the baby before then so we could tell all the family....but that didn't happen. Instead we just got everyone's predictions...that was fun too. The predictions for our family came in as we expected, Mikayla wanted a girl and the boys a brother, either way we figured it was a tie breaker! Lynneah, however had been telling us for the past two months that it was a girl baby and a boy baby in my tummy. We just figured she was combining what Josh and Mikayla wanted.....little did we know we should have listened to her more closely. I think the veil is thinner for our little ones and they remember more than we do.

We went to the first doctor's apt and did our ultrasound. He put it on my left side and we saw a baby right away. He was looking for the sex and baby wasn't cooperating but he hadn't looked all over my tummy I said, "We have a little girl who thinks we have two in here, could you just check and make sure there's only one for us." All he did was slide it a little bit over to the right and said,"Well, she's right". Merrill thought he was joking, I was just stunned! So here are the pics for you to enjoy! Lynneah was right! We have a girl baby and a boy baby on the way, due Nov 20!

When you open the page, the 3d pic at the top left column is our little boy and top right column is our little girl! I put the picture with their two heads next to each other because I think it's so cute! Their swapping secrets already!

They are both measuring great for my 22 weeks and are looking great! I feel so blessed! Very overwhelmed with the idea! But very blessed!

Merrill is still not so sure about this whole idea. The kids asked him, why he's not excited and he replied, "I'm scared to death guys! One baby is a lot of work, but two!" They all just laughed....but how right he is!