Tuesday, May 15, 2012


We had packers come and pack us up the week before Christmas. Merrill's parents were so wonderful and came to help the kids and I on the flight back to AZ while Merrill stayed and extra couple of days finishing things up. I don't even want to think about what the plane ride would have been like with me and my 6 kiddos by myself - seeing how 2 of those six were only eight weeks old and still feeding like crazy! Thanks so much Mom and Dad! We had such a blast in Show Low for Christmas and Curty and Crystal were so nice to drive up with us to Flagstaff and help us unpack lots of our stuff! And thanks again Grandpa and Grandma for watching all the grandkids while we did this, minus the twinnos, of course! They were willing....I didn't want to pump that much!

1 comment:

Katie said...

If anyone deserves to have amazing family- it's you Cami! So glad they are there to help out, and I only wish we were closer...only a few more months and we will be though! As soon as I get a quiet minute I'll call- promise!